To enlarge the penis, men use various methods: ointments, gels, medications, tablets, vacuum pumps, extenders, all kinds of stretching weights.
But you can increase your dignity naturally and without techniques exclusively at home, without additional devices.
This means it is completely free and safe.
Why do men choose "at home" methods?
- No chemical effects on the body. Many men are afraid of taking pills or ointments precisely because they are afraid of side effects.
- No discomfort, pain and gross force on the penis.
- No material costs. There is no need to buy anything, no additional funds, which are often expensive.
- Efficiency and safety.With proper training, you can not only enlarge your penis, but also improve your erection and prolong your orgasm.
You can really increase your dignity without ointments, without surgery, without doing anything on your own and without it costing you money! Many men have succeeded! Get started now!
How effective is it without medication?
The effectiveness of attempts to enlarge your penis at home depends solely on your determination and willpower. If this is more of a plus than a minus for you, you will definitely get results.
Important:Don't expect instant results from self-help penis enlargement techniques. You will notice the first result only after 4-5 months of regular exercise.
The main criterion for the effectiveness of home methods is stability and training technique. Before you start enlarging your penis on your own, read the theoretical recommendations and watch training videos. This will help you avoid mistakes and hone proper technique.
After just 3-4 months of stable physical activity, you will feel an improvement in your erection and notice an increase in the size of your penis by at least 1-2 cm. This is a significant result, especially given the lack of health risks and financial investment.

How do you enlarge your penis?
There are several ways to increase your dignity without using additional funds. These are special herbs for the penis, exercises, massage and masturbation. Each of them is effective in its own way. They can be combined with each other.
You can also use baking soda for penis growth.
These methods are natural and have practically no contraindications and are recommended for men of all ages.
Before starting classes, consult a specialist.Especially if you have erection and libido problems. You may need competent medical care and additional research.
Perhaps one of the most effective ways to enlarge the penis. Regular exercise, similar to fitness training, improves blood flow and blood flow to the penis. The result will be increased erection and increased virility.
The main principles of the exercises:
- Preliminary "warming up" of the penis.
- Availability of lubricant.
- No pain or discomfort.
- Caution.
- Regularity of training.
There are different types of exercises to increase the length or thickness of the penis and improve erection.
The most popular exercise to increase length is jelqing.
When jelqing, the penis should be about 50-60% erect. Bend your index finger and thumb into a ring. This is called OK capture. Move the ring from the base of the penis to the head. Change hands quickly while maintaining a clear, fast rhythm. Repeat the exercise. In one cycle you need to perform about 100 movements. The practice time for beginners is about 10 minutes.
To increase penis thickness, try Uli exercise. To carry it out, it is necessary that the penis is 100% erect. Using a finger ring or your hand, squeeze the penis firmly as close to the base of the penis as possible. Hold for 30-60 seconds.
It is better to choose a set of exercises yourself. This way you can achieve the maximum effect and "pump up" your dignity.
Most women find a thick penis beautiful!

Penile massage is best combined with regular exercise. It is ideal to finish your workout. The massage improves blood circulation, promotes the growth of the sexual organ and ensures relaxation. It also reduces the sensitivity of the penis, which leads to an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse.
Begin the massage in a calm state.
You should not feel angry, afraid, or restless. You have to be sure that no one will disturb you for half an hour.
We present the most popular penis massage techniques:
- Squeeze the non-erect penis with your fist and make circular movements along its entire length. Repeat 15-20 times.
- Squeeze the relaxed penis firmly with your right hand and gently pull it away from the side. Repeat this for several minutes with gradual intensification. Let your penis rest for 10-15 minutes.
If you use massage as an independent penis enlargement technique, you must first warm up the penis with a warm towel. Massage regularly and the results will not be long in coming.
It is assumed thatThe correct masturbation technique helps to enlarge the penis.Competent masturbation is similar to special exercises for the penis. The only difference is the presence of sexual liberation.
For example, proper masturbation can enlarge the glans. To do this, grab the head of the erect penis and squeeze it fairly firmly for 30 seconds. Do the exercises several times.
Important:Sexologists advise against engaging in masturbation. It is only useful as a form of relaxation in rare cases and should under no circumstances replace sex with a partner.
So,Penis enlargement even without additional devices is entirely possible.The main thing is to learn the correct technique and practice regularly. Combine exercise and massage with exercise and proper nutrition. Be healthy and sexy!